Trained French Bulldogs
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- Trained Exotc French Bulldogs

We begin training puppies at 4 weeks old. The initial training is to respond to a whistle, a hand clap or a snap. We do this by giving the puppies these cues before we feed. At 6 weeks of age we begin working with our pups on an individual basis. We teach them to walk on a leash and begin their obedience training with sit, stay, and down.
By 8 to 12 weeks old the pups have learned both verbal & visual cues for sit, stay, down & high 5. They are also well on their way to learning how to wait at the door, walking nicely on leash & not to chew, bite, bark or dig.
Beyond this age, they are working on increasing the time spent in training, polishing up behaviors & learning about the outside world. We take our puppies out on “field trips”. We will take them to safe places, where they can interact with different people & animals, all the while they are expected to maintain their good behaviors.
The highest level training includes off leash obedience, specific service needs & other fun tricks depending on the dogs abilities. Some have completed their championship titles, some would make excellent service or therapy companions, but most have earned their Canine Good Citizenship.
Our goal in training is to create a good canine citizen, one that can become an excellent addition to your home, your family & your life for many years to come.